In a heartwarming moment at Kruger National Park, South Africa, a baby elephant decided to charge a group of tourists before quickly retreating, realizing he was outmatched.
The young elephant bull had been enjoying some fruit that had fallen from a nearby tree when he was startled by the presence of tourists in a safari vehicle.
Watch the video at the end.
Young bulls often try to assert dominance, but their charges are rarely taken seriously, as they tend to back off when confronted by something larger.

This is exactly what happened during the encounter, where the elephant charged the vehicle but soon retreated into the safety of the bushes. Quintin van der Merwe, the tour guide that day, recalled the experience:
“We saw this young bull eating Marula fruit from the ground. I told everyone to get their cameras ready because I knew he would likely give us a warning charge,” van der Merwe explained.

“He came so close that his trunk touched the car, but by staying still and not backing away, the vehicle intimidated him.”
Although this interaction brought some lighthearted fun for the tourists and guide, van der Merwe emphasized the importance of respecting these animals: “While it’s amusing to see, you should never become too relaxed around elephants, especially fully grown bulls. Always give them space and remember—they have the right of way.”

Read more Elephant News.
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