Mother Elephant Reunited with Her Baby After Rescuers Save It from a Well, Appears to Wave in Gratitude
A touching reunion unfolded in Kerala, India, when a mother elephant was reunited with her calf after the baby fell into a well.
The young elephant tumbled into a muddy hole during the night while its herd passed through a village.

Villagers were alerted by the distressed cries of the calf and rushed to investigate, finding the baby elephant struggling to escape the deep pit.
Rescue efforts quickly began, with the elephant herd waiting nearby for the calf’s return. A mechanical digger was brought in to help, and after five hours of careful work, the calf was finally freed from the muddy hole.

Once released, the baby elephant ran straight to its mother, who crossed a river to meet her calf. In a remarkable moment, the mother elephant turned to face the rescuers and raised her trunk—an action seen as a gesture of thanks in Indian culture.
The herd joyfully welcomed the calf affectionately before disappearing into the forest. Villagers cheered as the family was reunited, celebrating the successful rescue.

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